The Peri-Menopausal and Menopausal “Rise of Wisdom Keepers” Circle is all about supporting each other through the ups and downs of peri/menopause. Come and connect with other amazing women who understand what you’re going through. Share stories, exchange tips, and find solace in a safe and nurturing environment. Whether you’re just starting this journey or have been on it for a while, this Circle is here to provide the support and camaraderie you deserve.


TIME: 9am – 12pm

ADDRESS: Unit C11 Leonardo Park, Parklands

COST: R650

EXTRA: Each lady will receive a gift to take home to the value of R250


Come join a morning of gathering with a group of women in a safe place with the intention of sharing experiences and wisdom.
It is a heart warming space where we share support, love, and understanding.
Together, we will enjoy feminine chatters and rituals to bring us back to our bodies, feeling safe, and loved for who we are.


  • Welcome ceremony
  • The call to presence meditation
  • Self introduction
  • Intention setting
  • Theme talk: RISE OF THE WISDOM – KEEPERS (Peri- Menopause and Menopause) –  by Santa Yuill
  • 10 Symptoms and their causes
  • Tea ceremony
  • Your chance to share
  • Opening the feminine highway ( Ritual)
  • 30 min of slow, easy spinal flow session
  • Closing ceremony

RSVP your seat today:

WhatsApp: Santa Yuill to 083 533 6771